воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

Should money be spent on space exploration?
Starting from the 7-5th centuries b.c people were trying to explore and find out things about space,galaxy,planets,stars.However only in 1963 Yuri Gagarin flew to the space ,he was the first human in the space.Since that USA,USSR and many another countries were spending money on space explorations.Nowadays majority of countries are spending millions on space explorations and people are asking themselves about does it worth to spend a bid amount of money on space.
First of all,let’s look straightly ,in the future maybe we will need to find another place to live ,so that’s why people are trying to find life on the other palnets .And they are exploring galaxies ,because of avoiding the danger.We also try to find another species in the space,however theories about aliens are just opinions(personally I believe in them).We can easily say that spending money on the space is effective,however there are some disadvantages.
If you remember in 60’s and 70’s USA and USSR were competiting theirselves by buying and spending money on weapons ,nuclear weapons and of course on space explorations,both of them were good enough ,although USA won,because USSR had a big economical crysis and people were in very bad conditions,that’s why they wanted to not continue explorations.

Today one of the most important goals for countries are space explorations and all of the countries want to be first at finding some sources,which will bring us to new atmospheras.To sum up I want to say that I think we should do explorations ,but not spending all of countries budget on that.

пятница, 7 февраля 2014 г.

There is such a bad thing,as corruption.In my country there is too much corruption comparing to another countries.In my country corruption is everywhere,in most of universities,policemen corruptioneers,doctors and etc….However comparing to countries like Albania ,my country is less corruptioned as Albania is.People in my coutry often give jobs totheir friends or realtives only because of being close to each other,and I think it is a problem ,because there are better specialists  who can’t get a job and bad ones are working only because of being  friends of the boss.It is wrong ,because it happens  very often,and the consequences are very awful ,both boss and relative can be punished for that and there are way better problems,probably company will be crushed.if i were a boss,only just for a day i won't allow my friends or realtives to be workers of my company only for being friends,because i'm very serious person and also i'm worried about profit i get and many another things